The training I got from Amanda is singlehandedly why I was able to successfully complete my first marathon (the 2018 Boston Marathon, in the pouring rain nonetheless!). From detailed and timely weekly plans, in-person runs, phone calls and check-ins to general support and friendship, she truly went above and beyond the asks of a "run coach." An elite runner herself, her expertise is unrivaled. She is deeply connected in the Boston running scene, able to suggest specific routes, hills, and group training runs to specifically prepare you for whatever kind of a race or goal you're after and make the process fun and social. When I had an injury pop up, Amanda referred me to Wellness in Motion, her husband’s chiropractic office, for fast and comprehensive care so that I was able to seamlessly continue my training. I feel much more connected to the Boston running scene after working with Amanda. She is also hugely positive and supportive of all types of runners, especially women (and new moms!). For every question, she had a thoughtful, robust answer, steering me through the concerns any first-time marathoner would have, from the first day we spoke on the phone to last-minute texting pre-race. I truly don't believe I would have been able to complete the race — let alone feel good doing it — without her help. I would highly recommend her services to anyone looking for a run coach in the Boston area or beyond!